Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Golden Rule

Well hello there bloggers! This post will be all about The Golden Rule! I will be answering some questions.
The questions are :1. What is the message of The Golden Rule?
2.Which expression of The Golden Rule do you like best? Why?
3.How would you express The golden Rule in your own words?
4.What could things be like if everyone behaved according to The Golden Rule?

 And here are my answers :)

1. I think the message of The Golden rule is treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. Like treating someone with the same respect and tolerance that you would want them to treat you with.

2. My favorite expression of The Golden Rule is Jainism- " One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated" because I think it's true. To treat every creature INCLUDING animals the way you would want to be treated, because animals are creatures too right? Some people take advantage of animals and they don't have a say in it. So I thought this Golden Rule went both ways for humans and animals and I like that because animals are just as important as humans. So all people need to be treated equally including animals.

3. I would express it in my own words by saying - Treat every creature with the same respect as you would want to be treated with.

4. I think if everyone behaved according to The Golden Rule there wouldn't be so much violence and discrimination towards people of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation and age. People would be treated equally and would be respected. There wouldn't be animal abuse and as many extincted animals because maybe people would put themselves in the life of the animals and realize what there doing to them by destroying there homes and killing them for there fur to wear. Maybe people wouldn't be so greedy and there wouldn't be as many poor people on the streets. Maybe people wouldn't pollute the earth with such garbage and green house gasses and treat the earth better. After all it is our home but yet we ruin it. I just think the world would be a better place if we all behaved according to The Golden Rule.

Hope you enjoyed my post :) <3



1 comment:

  1. Hello Kelly! It is Claire from Ottawa.
    We're partnered up for the rest of the year, you excited?
    So my teacher Ms.Pollock has us doing a collaborative assignment with our buddie's Golen Rule post, called 3-2-1.

    3 Things I Liked;
    >I liked the way you had a specific 'Golden Rule Expression,' which was Jainism. I never knew it was called that until today!

    >I also liked the way you defined the Golden Rule; treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Because all's fair in love and war, right?

    >Another thing that I really liked, was the fact you brought up animals. Come to think of it, humans aren't the only thing being abused. So I totally understand, when you say treat EVERYONE or EVERYTHING the way you want to be treated.


    2 Further Ideas;

    >Like I said, I really liked the fact you brought up the topic of animals.
    But you could of given an example, like people shouldn't be wearing REAL animal fur, which is wrong.

    >Or another thing, like killing a spider. I think we all did it before, but come to think of it, we still have to treat everything and everyone the same because no one is less, or more than any other person/thing.

    But all in all, good post Kelly!


    1 Question;
    Do you have another favorite expression of the Golden Rule? If so, what is it?


    So, it was nice commenting. Nice blog by the way!
    Comment back!

