Literature Circles Responses

Copy down a quote from a character and explain why you think it's meaningful. What does it suggest about this character's personality? Personal qualities? Etc. Explain your thinking.

Well I had some difficulty with this question, I couldn't find a good enough quote to put down as an answer. So I did my best that I could. The quote I chose was "-he was usually gone long before I got up-but it was different knowing and doing it."
I found it meaningful just because I think he exsplaned how he felt well. And I just thought it sounded interesting.
See he was talking about his dad on his way to his dad's work. So what I'm thinking is that maybe he doesn't really have a close relationship with his father? It says "- he was usually long gone before I got up-" So maybe he doesn't see him a lot. And also I'm guessing he's not a morning person either. Considering how late he stayed up the night before.

My second question I chose to answer is:

What were your feelings and first impressions after reading the opening chapters of this book? Explain.

My first impressions after reading the opening chapters of this book were that it kind of seemed boring. With them just sitting in class and talking, nothing interesting was happening, but it did introduce a few characters. I think on chapter two it started to become more interesting, and I actually got into the book. I think I thought this in the beginning because it didn't really seem like my type of book. But I like it a lot now. Can't wait to read more!