Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Golden Rule

Well hello there bloggers! This post will be all about The Golden Rule! I will be answering some questions.
The questions are :1. What is the message of The Golden Rule?
2.Which expression of The Golden Rule do you like best? Why?
3.How would you express The golden Rule in your own words?
4.What could things be like if everyone behaved according to The Golden Rule?

 And here are my answers :)

1. I think the message of The Golden rule is treat everyone the way you would want to be treated. Like treating someone with the same respect and tolerance that you would want them to treat you with.

2. My favorite expression of The Golden Rule is Jainism- " One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated" because I think it's true. To treat every creature INCLUDING animals the way you would want to be treated, because animals are creatures too right? Some people take advantage of animals and they don't have a say in it. So I thought this Golden Rule went both ways for humans and animals and I like that because animals are just as important as humans. So all people need to be treated equally including animals.

3. I would express it in my own words by saying - Treat every creature with the same respect as you would want to be treated with.

4. I think if everyone behaved according to The Golden Rule there wouldn't be so much violence and discrimination towards people of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation and age. People would be treated equally and would be respected. There wouldn't be animal abuse and as many extincted animals because maybe people would put themselves in the life of the animals and realize what there doing to them by destroying there homes and killing them for there fur to wear. Maybe people wouldn't be so greedy and there wouldn't be as many poor people on the streets. Maybe people wouldn't pollute the earth with such garbage and green house gasses and treat the earth better. After all it is our home but yet we ruin it. I just think the world would be a better place if we all behaved according to The Golden Rule.

Hope you enjoyed my post :) <3



Instrument Study!

Hiya Bloggers! Today I will be talking about the Cello.
The Cello is in the strings family. The Cello is the base member of the Violin family. This instrument plays more of a low pitch sound which is more deep.
Those are the parts of the Cello. The Cello is played in between the knees, where you would then place your fingers on the finger board and take your bow and play it against the strings. It should then create a deep rich sound with whatever fingering your using. The Cello plays in manly the bass clef. The Cello was created in the 16th century in Italy by Antonio Stradivari. 
When Maintaining the Cello you keep it safe in a case so that it is not broken or stepped on and should be held carefully. Maybe once a week you should dust off your Cello with a cotton clothe. With the bow, It's very fragile and should be also handled with care and not left somewhere for someone to step on it. You can tighten the hairs on the bow if there getting loose but should be loosen at the end of playing. If your done playing with your Cello lay it safely in it's case along with the bow.
Hope you enjoyed this post :D


Friday, October 15, 2010

Tolerance And Discrimination

Tolerance to me means to be able to put up with someone. To put up with some one who gets on your nerves all the time. To be able to hold back whatever you want to say or do when you have to deal with them. For me I know this kid who I have to deal with on a daily bases. Who to me just completely makes a fool of themselves just for attention. They make rude remarks to me or to other people who are my friends. They can get EXTREMELY annoying. But I put up with them. I don't make remarks back to them. I don't act the same way they do. I treat them the way I would want to be treated. Remember two wrongs DO NOT make a right. There for I have tolerance for them because when you think about it... Ten years from now I'm not going to care what they think or possibly not even know them. But then again when you're older you'll still have to deal with people like them but they can be tolerated.

Discrimination to me means to be unfair to someone for there race, gender or beliefs( There religion). I think that's just stupid. Every ones the same on the inside. Were all human. Like when women were not aloud to vote but men were? That's just ridiculous. Women are just as smart as men are. And racism I hate it. Who cares if your black, white or Asian. Were all the same. There's no reason to treat someone like garbage just because of here skin colour. And with different beliefs or religion. That's just there opinion on something. There's no need to hate. I think everyone should be treated fairly no matter what race no matter what gender no matter what religion.

-Kelly :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Kelly's Fabulicious post!

Hiya, I'm Kelly
Welcome to my blog :) I'm very excited to be having some new  readers and looking forward to readings yours as well. A few things about myself are that I can be shy but once I get to know people I can be very out going and fun. I enjoy drawing and singing and hope to be looking into photography. Some of my favorite bands are System Of A Down, City And Colour, Korn, Angus And Julia Stone, Kings Of Leon, Mumford And Sons and lots more. Feel free to leave any comments or questions! And thank you for checking this out and also feel free to come back and visit :)