Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ethical Gifts.

Hiya Bloggers!
Our class was told to pick an organization out of the four to send ethical gifts to developing countries, using only 100 dollars. (Not literally having 100 dollars, just if we had 100 dollars what would we spend it on.)

The organizations were, Salvation Army, World Vision, Oxfam and Plan Canada.
Out of the four I chose Oxfam. I chose Oxfam because all the prices are a lot cheaper than the other organizations and there was a lot more variety. With Oxfam being cheaper I can then buy more gifts that would be great for people in developing countries.

The gifts I've chosen are Mosquito nets($20), Organic gardening($50) and Safe water($22). So over all I've spent $94.
I chose to buy a Mosquito net because 1-3 million people die a year from malaria, I think if I were to buy some Mosquito nets it would help children and adults be safe from that horrible disease. It's only $20, so it's pretty cheap and can help some unfortunate people and most of all children who haven't even lived a quarter of there life yet, So those nets can help them live longer as well.

I chose organic gardening because they can then plant nutritious food for themselves that have a lot of vitamins to help them fight off sickness if they get sick. They could also use the vegetables they grow for cooking. Vegetables are very healthy for them to grow and eat.

I chose safe water because it can be used for a variety of things. Like say they cut themselves, they have clean water to wash there wound so it doesn't get infected. Or for cooking and washing themselves. Also they could drink it. I think you are at least 65-75 % water. So it's good to be drinking SAFE water.

Now I still had about $6 left. So my friends and I added up all our left over money and it came to I think $29.
Were going to look and see if we can buy anything more with that amount.

Hope you enjoyed my blog!
